Ng’ambo Housing Action Plan brings heritage based urban regeneration closer
From 9-11 April, The Government of Zanzibar, the Zanzibar Social Security Fund and African Architecture Matters organised a dynamic and...

Accra Revisited
‘Nkomo/ gbaa sane’ Urban Design Conference on Accra: Accra Revisited 25th to 27th February 2015 Children’s Library Accra, Ghana In...

Hifadhi Zanzibar in Swahili Coast
Recently, the latest issue of the informative inflight magazine of Coastal Aviation, also found at many other locations in Tanzania, came...

14 January in Brussels: Benno Albrecht and Antoni Folkers on Africa Big Change / Big Chance
The Faculty of Architecture of the ULB La Cambre Horta and the CIVA (Centre International pour la Ville, l'Architecture et le Paysage)...

Seminar and Book presentation: Reporting on the Modernisation of Casablanca and Chandigarh
Date: 29 November 2014 Time: 14:30 to 16:30. After the debate drinks will be offered Location: Het Nieuwe Instituut, Museumpark 25,...

l'Batwar can now be ordered!
Below you might have read about the presentation of the book ’L'Batwar, Story of a Conversion’ in March this year. You can now order the...

UIA2014 & de Volkskrant
Last week the UIA2014 congress took place in Durban -South Africa, titled ’Otherwhere’. It brought architects and educators together from...

Stadslicht #8: City Trip – Casablanca
In Casablanca is door de Fransen uitgebreid geëxperimenteerd met stedenbouw. In de reeks Stadslicht colleges, georganiseerd in Pakhuis De...

The Kiran Mukerji Fund extends the AAmatters mediatheque
On 26th April 2014, Kiran Mukerji handed over his research library to African Architecture Matters. It is with great gratitude that we...

Netherlandish Architecture as an Export Product
Ter gelegenheid van de uitgave van het boek The Low Countries at the Crossroads, Netherlandish Architecture as an Export Product in Early...