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AAM in the book “A Manifesto for Community Driven Processes for Climate Responsive Design”

The proceedings of the Community Based Processes conference in Kigali, Rwanda are out now!

Last February AAMatters was part of the Community Based Processes for Climate Responsive Design forum at the University of Rwanda in Kigali, organised by Enabel. The aim of the workshop was to raise awareness around the critical importance of community-driven processes and their potential to drive a positive impact on the local ecosystem in terms of design and construction process for sustainable and long-lasting buildings and environments.

The manifesto captures and explores various community-based processes from the design and construction, transition settlements and home grown solutions perspectives. The manifesto highlights best practices and insights of initiatives implemented across the five countries that were represented at the workshop.

The book highlights three key messages strongly.

  1. The undeniable power of community in shaping its surroundings and as a collective voice showcases positive change, transforming spaces to meet their needs, aspirations and heritage.

  2. The indispensable role that communities play in the sustainability and success of any project as the driving force behind initiatives, taking ownership and ensuring longevity.

  3. Communities play a pivotal role in an era of climate change through their accumulated wisdom and deep-rooted connections to their places.

Being part of the Forum was a fruitful, interesting and challenging experience. Together with the other participants, we hope that this exchange of experiences and knowledge will widen the participation from the private sector, academia, development and governmental partners in East Africa.

You can find the full publication visiting our open Library!


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