Farwell to Ben Christiaanse. our chairman, mentor & friend
It is with great regret and sorrow that we inform you about the passing of our long-time board member, chairman, friend and mentor Ben...
Reimagining Future African Cities at the Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam
On the 14th of October AAMatters will participate in an afternoon dedicated to critical exploration and (re)imagining the future of...
aam joining pcf mobile lab in EGYPT
AAMatters will be a part of the Mobile Lab Egypt taking place in Cairo. It is a four-day long programme co-curated by May al-Ibrashy,...
AAM in the book “A Manifesto for Community Driven Processes for Climate Responsive Design”
A Manifesto for Community Driven Processes for Climate Responsive Design
On Wednesday April 12, the Dutch premiere of Tug of War (Vuta N’Kuvute) in Kriterion Amsterdam
On Wednesday April 12 at 7pm, Africadelic, in collaboration with African Architecture Matters, presents the Dutch premiere of Tug of War...
AAM in Community Based Processes forum Kigali on 15th and 16th of February 2023
On the 15th and 16th of February we were at Kigali Community Based Processes forum! The even was co-organised by Enabel, the University...
KAMPALA, MUSEUM, CMP, workshop & building heritage awarness - all in one video
A recap of the week-long international workshop in Kampala in 2020 during which the team started to work on the project. In the words of...
The Conservation Management Plan for THE Uganda NATIONAL Museum is out!
It’s been a long time in the making, but the first conservation plan for the Uganda National Museum is finally available for download. We...
Our participatory tool at the Biennale Internationale Design Saint-ÉtiennE!
2022 is the year of the «Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Étienne», a major cultural event where designers, researchers,...
With a year’s delay the exhibition ‘It happens here’ finally opens its doors to the public
Can you plan do-it-yourself culture? How do you design a street with the entire neighbourhood? And how do you renew a city without losing...