AAM in the book “A Manifesto for Community Driven Processes for Climate Responsive Design”
A Manifesto for Community Driven Processes for Climate Responsive Design

Roleplaying for playgrounds at the RISE Africa 2021 Action Festival!
We are excited to invite you to join our session during the RISE Africa 2021 Action Festival to create an imaginary playground with us!...

Ng’ambo Housing Action Plan brings heritage based urban regeneration closer
From 9-11 April, The Government of Zanzibar, the Zanzibar Social Security Fund and African Architecture Matters organised a dynamic and...

Ng'ambo: Tuittakayo! Tarehe 8 & 9 Februari in Zanzibar
Ng'ambo: this is what we want! On 8 and 9 February, the TOS research team is organising an event in the Kisiwandui and Kisimamajongoo...

Inclusive urban development at the UN Habitat governing council meeting in Nairobi
The UN Habitat Governing Council Meeting takes place in Nairobi from 15-18 April 2013. In collaboration with the European Commission and...

Workshop and exhibition ‘Stars of Dar’ and symposium 'Global City – Local Identity?’ – Dar es Sa
… the meaning of architecture and planning for everyday life, based upon interviews with key persons in Dar es Salaam society and street...