14 January in Brussels: Benno Albrecht and Antoni Folkers on Africa Big Change / Big Chance

The Faculty of Architecture of the ULB La Cambre Horta and the CIVA (Centre International pour la Ville, l'Architecture et le Paysage) present the exhibition AFRICA BIG CHANGE / BIG CHANCE from 11 January to 1 March 2015.
The exhibition, designed by the Milan Triennale in co-production with the CIVA, aims to describe and reflects upon the architectural and urban production in Africa from Second World War until today, through the 3 scales of architecture, urban planning and landscape design.
Parallel to the exhibition, the Faculty organises a series of meetings through its Research Center HABITER. The first of these meetings is the inaugural conference on 14 January at 18:00hrs, bringing together Professor and curator of the exhibition Benno Albrecht (IUA Venezia) and the architect Antoni Folkers, co-founder of African Architecture Matters (Amsterdam).
Read Ola Uduku’s reflection on the exhibition here.
More information on the exhibition you can find on the site of CIVA.