Finding Stories :: the role of immaterial culture in city planning
On 30 January 2016, AAmatters together with its partners City of Amsterdam, Government of Zanzibar and Stadsherstel Amsterdam, organises...

Affordable housing in urban regeneration in Ng’ambo closer by
For Zanzibar Social Security Fund and with the Department of Urban and Rural Planning and in collaboration with the City of Amsterdam,...

A short break at Beit al AAmatters
For weeks already, a dedicated team of staff members of the Department of Urban and Rural Planning and AAmatters team members is deeply...

Five Years AAmatters - this is what our partners say:
After five years of hard work, we looked back over our shoulders and realised it was time for a newsletter to give you all an update on...

From Z to A to Z to A and back
Yesterday we concluded an exciting series of events including a successful workshop that kicked off the A2Z2A project. This project...

After Amsterdam, Paramaribo, Zanzibar now Dar?
During the coming weekend, the Dar Heritage Days will be organised in the largest city of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam. It is also ranked the...

AAmatters at the World Heritage Committee session of 2015
On behalf of AAmatters, Nicole Bolomey as an observer attended the World Heritage Committee session, which this years took place in Bonn,...

Future of Places of Ng’ambo in Stockholm
The Future of Places conference, which starts on 29 June, is the third and last in a series of conferences aiming at a high rank for...

Colourful umbrellas, flowery dresses and Swahili vibes: the Ng’ambo we want!
Ng’ambo: Tuitakayo! - The Ng’ambo we want! - was shaped as ambitious and innovative project back in 2012 by the Department of Urban and...

Private sector involvement in heritage protection, also in Accra?
The hall of the Children’s Library (photo BvdL) From 25-27 February this year, the Children’s Library in the centre of Accra formed the...