Seminar and Book presentation: Reporting on the Modernisation of Casablanca and Chandigarh
Date: 29 November 2014 Time: 14:30 to 16:30. After the debate drinks will be offered Location: Het Nieuwe Instituut, Museumpark 25,...

l'Batwar can now be ordered!
Below you might have read about the presentation of the book ’L'Batwar, Story of a Conversion’ in March this year. You can now order the...

Stadslicht #8: City Trip – Casablanca
In Casablanca is door de Fransen uitgebreid geëxperimenteerd met stedenbouw. In de reeks Stadslicht colleges, georganiseerd in Pakhuis De...

Towards a second life of the Abattoirs of Casablanca
On 26 March, the Cities of Casablanca and Amsterdam, together with Casamemoire, presented ‘L'Batwar - Story of a Transformation’ in the...

Exhibition Learning from Casablanca opens at first day African Perspectives 2011
Casablanca served as laboratory for European architects to experiment with modernist mass housing in the 40’s and 50’s. The visions of...

Learning from Casablanca, Excursie en vakmatig uitwisselingsprogramma
Van zaterdag 29 oktober tot zondag 6 november 2011 organiseert African Architecture Matters in samenwerking met Casamemoire en ARCAM een...