Affordable housing in urban regeneration in Ng’ambo closer by
For Zanzibar Social Security Fund and with the Department of Urban and Rural Planning and in collaboration with the City of Amsterdam, AAmatters conducted a research on Housing Strategies for Historic Urban Landscapes. The report was issued few months ago. Today we presented the outcomes and in particular the Ng’ambo Housing Action Plan, that via a pilot project should lead to an approach that can be upscaled and that will facilitate the required sustainable development of Zanzibar. It aims at densification to save the scarce undeveloped land around the urban areas and addresses the expected growth of the Zanzibar population. It also aims at giving the current population a place in the new development. This safeguards that the intangible heritage and cultural fabric of the area is not destroyed through the renewal.

During today’s workshop we discussed with ZSSF, the Department of Urban and Rural Planning, the Worldbank, Zanzibar Housing Corporation, the Planning Commission, the PPP unit of the government, Quality Building Contractors, Aalto University from Finland and the Pan African Housing Fund from Nairobi how the Ng’ambo Housing Action Plan can be started. Again we came a step closer to putting the Plan in action. The initiating parties were identified, a detailed plan and budget will be prepared and finance will be sourced.

Khamis Ali from QBC and Okomboli Ong’ong’a from Pan African Housing Fund discussing in detail how collaboration may look like with Khalifa Hilal and the Managing Director of ZSSF, Mr. Abdulwakil Haji Hafidh.