Crash Course Congo: Congo toen / nu / later with Antoni Folkers - De Balie, Amsterdam, 3 november 20
Als we de kranten en het nieuws mogen geloven is Congo verloren. De problemen zijn immens en het land loopt enorm achter. Maar is dit...
Change of Venue: An Evening with Manthia Diawara and Joe Osae Addo - 28 oktober De Brakke Grond - Am
The Prince Claus Fund, together with African Architecture Matters, invite you for an evening with Malian film-maker and scholar Manthia...
Invitation for an evening with Manthia Diawara and Joe Osae Addo
PLEASE NOTE: CHANGE OF VENUE! Vlaams Cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond - Nes 43 Amsterdam The Prince Claus Fund, together with African...

25 October, Philadelphia: Lecture by Antoni Folkers
EAST MEETS WEST IN MODERN AFRICAN ARCHITECTURE ON Monday 25 October, 12:30 - 3:30hrs. IN CEA 102, Cnr N 12th and Norris Streets,...

ArchiAfrika newsletter September 2010: This is Lagos!
African Architecture Matters produced the ArchiAfrika newsletter September 2010 which was guest edited by Bukka trust from London....

First book launch in the USA of Antoni Folkers’ ‘Modern Architecture in Africa’
On 27 October 2010, AAmatters director Antoni Folkers will lecture at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, and present the recently...

Competition BLUEPRINTS OF PARADISE open for entries listen to the interview iwth jury chair Joe Osae - Addo Africa is planning for the...

(im)migration and the built environment, how do they relate?
Commissioned by the Netherlands Architecture Fund, foundation African Architecture Matters (AAM) is preparing a project plan for...