Stars of Dar
AAmatters team
ARDHI University
Goethe Institute Dar es Salaam
Architects Association Tanzania
Royal Embassy of the Kindom of the Netherlands
Fortune Media
Daladala TV
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#opinions #architecture #public space #open space #city #debate
Stars of Dar projects an inventory of buildings and public spaces which play an important role in the city and represent what Dar es Salaam stands for. The presented buildings and spaces have been selected through interviews with key members and architects of Dar’s society. Their ideas and reflections are presented and highlight directions and ideas on the shaping of future Dar es Salaam. Film portraits of 3 important public spaces, including the visions and ideas of their users, complete the picture.
It is important to keep on exchanging ideas with the Dar es Salaam community, when making plans for the city. This exhibition can be seen as a contribution to this. Stars of Dar does not claim to give a complete picture nor is a reflection of a deep analysis, but aims to be the spark for an ongoing debate on our beloved city, in a attempt to create an inclusive city of which the total is greater than the addition of its individual parts.
Stars of Dar is a production of architecture students from ARDHI University (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania), the Architects Association of Tanzania (AAT) and the Netherlands based foundation African Architecture Matters.
The Stars of Dar workshop and exhibition were part of the «GLOBAL CITY - LOCAL IDENTITY?» symposium organised by the Goethe Institute in Tanzania,14 Oct - 16 Oct 2011.